International Symposium on Single-Cell Transcriptomics
The International Symposium on Single-Cell Transcriptomics will take place on May 3rd and 4th 2023 at the Avni Akyol Auditorium at Başkent University in Ankara, Turkey.
The International Symposium on Single-Cell Transcriptomics will take place on May 3rd and 4th 2023 at the Avni Akyol Auditorium at Başkent University in Ankara, Turkey.
Cells of eukaryotic multicellular organisms are heterogeneous by nature. On the other hand, data obtained from transcriptomic studies with classical methods are cumulative data and the possibility of obtaining gene expression profiles of cells of different developmental stages or individual responses of cell types is limited by these methods. These constraints require further methods to analyze developmental stages in detail or to study cell type-specific environmental impact response mechanisms. Today, with the advancement of omics technologies, single-cell RNA sequencing technology comes to the fore among other methods. This event aims to bring together researchers from Turkey and global leaders of the field working in this discipline to foster new local and international research alliances. It is co-organized by Başkent University and Gen era Diagnostics.
In the first part of the symposium (3rd May 2023), invited speakers will make presentations on single-cell RNA sequencing, comparison of bulk RNA-sequencing and single-cell RNA sequencing, single cell multiome ATAC + Gene Expression, Spatial Gene Expression and their application in plant, animal and human health and disease. In the second part of the symposium (4th May 2023), demo experiments including Sample Preparation, Cell Counting, Sample Loading on Chromium X and GEM formation and following steps will be performed for single-cell RNA sequencing of 10X Genomics. Also, demo analysis via Loupe Browser, powerful visualization software that provides intuitive analysis functionality to explore the 10x Genomics data, will be performed to visualize expression profiles and differentially expressed genes across cell clusters and examine and refine cell clusters to identify new or rare cell types.
Başvuru ve Ayrıntılar için:
12. Ulusal Botanik Kongresi
2. Ulusal Biyomedikal Kongresi
Tek-Hücre Sekanslama Çalıştayı, 12-13 Aralık 2024
21. Türkiye Kuş Konferansı Yaban Hayatı Suçları ve Kuşlar temasıyla,
7. Uluslararası Biyosidal Kongresi
9. Ulusal Biyomühendislik Öğrenci Kongresi
10. Ulusal Botanik Kongresi
10. Ulusal Tarım Kongresi
12. Uluslararası Moleküler Biyoloji ve Biyoteknoloji Kongresi
7. Ulusal Alabalık Kongresi 07-09 Aralık 2023
22. Uluslararası Katılımlı Biyoteknoloji Kongresi
6. Uluslararası Bitki Bilimi ve Teknolojisi Kongresi 10-12 Kasım 2023
8. Uluslararası Uygulamalı Biyoloji Bilimleri Kongresi 03-05 Kasım 2023
6. Ulusal zooloji Kongresi
6. Ulusal Uygulamalı Biyolojik Bilimler Kongresi (UBBK) 3-5 Kasım 2023