6. Uluslararası Tarım Kongresi
6. Uluslararası Tarım Kongresi 21-25 Ağustos 2020 tarihinde İstanbul'da... Türkiye'nin kurumsal ve en köklü Tarım Kongresi bu senede dünyanın farklı ülkelerinden katılımcılar ile gerçekleştirilecektir.
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the organizing committee, we are pleased to announce that The 6th International Agriculture Congress (IAC) held in the wonderful city of Istanbul between 21-25 August 2020. This Congress provides a unique opportunity for scientists and researchers in all branches of the profession globally to come together to explore the challenges that face agriculture and to find solutions where possible and to demonstrate the value of the profession for the public good in a changing world. The Congress aims to bring together academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of agriculture. The conference will host speakers from different countries to discuss ongoing issues of concern and to explore new horizons in agriculture. Congress is expected to serve as a hot debating space for vets around the world to address some crucial issues, coming up with solutions. We are also preparing cultural and social events, so our participants would enjoy the wonderful culture of Istanbul.
The wonderful city of Istanbul, a fascinating city built on two Continents, divided by the Bosphorus Strait. This is one of the greatest cities in the world where you can see a modern western city combined with a traditional eastern city, it's a melting pot of many civilizations and different people.
We look forward to meeting you in Istanbul.
Prof. Dr. Serra HEPAKSOY
Chair of Congress
Prof. Dr. Farhat JABEEN
Chair of Organising Committee
Ayrıntılar ve Kayıt İçin : http://agricongress.gen.tr/
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